
HAOS Ek? Raya Open house & 2nd Haos Ek? Anniversary

June 3, 2023 – Located on the compound of our new factory building, which still had a lot of renovations going on here and there, we celebrated two events in one night, the Haos Ek Open House? Raya and Haos Ek’s 2nd Anniversary Celebration. The delightful event was attended and officiated by the Deputy President of ANGKASA, Prof. Associate Dato’ Dr. Haji Abdul Rahman Abdul Razak Shalk. The event was also attended by the Chairman of Angkasa Johor, the representative of the Johor SKM Director, the Chairman of Cooperatives around the State of Johor, Ustaz & Ustazah as well as the students of Lahtiz Al-quran Madrasah Umm Waragah, the Spread the Love squad, Haos Nation, Haos Lovers, Haos Berhad’s strategic partners as well as all our relatives and friends which brought a thousand of everlasting blessings to the event.

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